Scotland 2025

Total Trip Cost : $3,000

(The cost of each trip covers airfare, travel insurance, meals, lodging, and activities.)

Team Goals:

Our team will be working alongside Bro. Jim Van Voltenburg in Dundee, Scotland, in reaching his town and surrounding areas with the Gospel through letterboxing, street evangelism, and revival services. We will also be assisting Bro. Howard Alverson as his ministry will be starting their summer-long revival services.

Applications will be accepted through February 28th.

Meet the Missionary

Jim Van Voltenburg

Pastor Van Voltenburg was raised in the Catholic religion and learned many things about Jesus Christ, but he did not know Him. After graduating high school, he joined the United States Army. It was in the Army, as he was stationed in Germany, that a friend invited him to church, and he received Christ as his Savior.

The Lord called Bro. Van Voltenburg into the ministry and placed Scotland on his heart. Now, he pastors Bible Baptist Church in Dundee, Scotland.

Former Scotland Teams: